About Me

Are you looking for information how to contact me? Or are you looking for a gift for me? This website is just a repository of old projects - I politely decline any parties offering to help me "improve it". My interests include: probability, coffee, mathematics, computer gaming, programming, marketing, traveling, sleeping, physics, economics, finance, reading, meeting people, listening to music and watching movies. Some more information about me. I have lived in five countries on three continents. I have visited a couple of countries. I have even graduate from a few schools.

If I had more time, I would have written less.

"I've been thinking. Tomorrow it will be 28 years to the day that I've been in the service. 28 years in peace and war. I don't suppose I've been at home more than ten months in all that time. Still, it's been a good life. I love India. I wouldn't have had it any other way. But there are times when suddenly you realise you're nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents, what difference your being there at any time made to anything, or if it made any difference at all really. Particularly in comparison with other men's careers. I don't know whether that kind of thinking is very healthy, but I must admit I've had some thoughts on those lines from time to time. But tonight - tonight!"

Last update: Wednesday, 11th October, 2023
Copyright © 2001-2024 by Lukasz Tomicki